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Before I brought my newborn home from the hospital, the one thing I really wish someone would have told me about was the challenges of breastfeeding. They try to help guide you in the right direction before you leave the hospital, but I left more confused than I was going in. By the time I […]

The challenges of breastfeeding

Blog, Newborn

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If your little one is crying there are only so many things she could be crying about. She is either hungry, tired, has a dirty diaper, or a combination of all three. Once you spend more time with her you will start to recognize each cry or whimper that will tell you exactly what it […]

Newborn’s reflexes and natural instincts

Blog, Newborn

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Having a baby is exhausting for both mom and baby. The first few weeks after birth mama and baby are both recovering and this time should be used to bond with one another. Although, after about two weeks, when you and your little one are all rested up, you should think about getting your little […]

Getting your newborn on a good sleep schedule

Blog, Newborn

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It’s probably hard to imagine, but babies have almost 100 more bones than adults do. Newborns have 300 bones and adults have 206. Bones are made up of living tissue and calcium that continuously changes throughout a babies life. These little bones start to develop before you can even find out whether it’s a boy […]

Did you know that babies have more bones than we do?

Blog, Newborn

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