When a babies teeth start coming in it can be very uncomfortable for your little bug. As a parent all you want to do is take their pain away. Understanding what your little one is going through makes such a huge difference. Knowing exactly what to do to minimize the little pains in their mouth […]
Largo came in for his one year photos and cake smash photography and he did fantastic! He was a ham for the camera and loved his photos taken. Although, once the cake came and he started getting into it, he wasn’t too much of a fan. A lot of babies get a little scared by […]
It was such a joy to see Madelynn again for her one year and cake smash photos! Madelynn has grown into such an adorable baby girl. I can’t believe she is already one year old! She is such a happy baby and was all smiles and fun throughout her entire session. Usually for one year […]
I am SO glad that Mia’s mommy and daddy came to me to photographer her one year photos. Gahhhhhh…she is absolutely GORGEOUS and such a sweet, happy baby too. We had so much fun!
Awwww Parker is so so sweet and so happy! I absolutely love seeing him and his mommy overtime they come in for photos. We have such a great time and get such wonderful portraits of little Parker!